Manordale-Woodvale Community Association

2019 Annual General Meeting

Sunday November 3, 2019

6:00 PM – Doors open at 5:45 PM


1. Call to Order (6:00 PM)

2. Welcome – Guests and Current Executive – Myles Egli

3. Presentation of Volunteer Awards

Youth Award by Carol Millar — Emily Manor & Kayleigh Lewis

Adult Award by Councillor Keith Egli — Christopher Manor  & Nicolas Martincich 

4. Presentation by Rana Awni from NROCRC

5. President’s Report – Myles Egli

6. Address from Guest Speaker – Donna Blackburn -OCDSB Trustee

7. Approval of the 2018 Minutes

8. Financial Report – Mark Beauchamp – Treasurer

9. Building Manager Report

10. Events Report

11. 55+ Social Club Report

12. Election of new officers — Request for additional nominations from the floor.

13. New Business

14. Adjournment


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