On Monday July 1, 2019 — Manordale Community will be celebrating Canada’s Birthday from 9-2. We are planning the biggest Canada Day Party this Community has ever seen. In order for this to happen we need 2 things from the community. We need you to come out and celebrate with us and we need you to volunteer some of your time if you can.
We will gladly sign volunteer sheets for any students that wish to volunteer. If you are an able member of our community and can spare some of your time to help us set up, take down or help during the event — please let us know. Please contact us at mwca59@yahoo.com
Many thanks in advance to all those that step up and help us to throw this awesome party!!

Were would we find the list of raffle winners/winnning numbers for the July 1st draws? The contact link is broken.
Thank you for your interest. We have contacted all of the winners of the raffle by phone. Many have picked up their prizes and arrangements are being made for the rest.