Manordale-Woodvale Community Association

                                               2014 Annual General Meeting

                                                 Monday November 10, 2014


                                     Margaret Rywak Community Building

                                        68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, Ontario



  1. 1.     Call to Order (7:30 PM)
  2. 2.     Welcome – Guests and Current Executive – Myles Egli
  3. 3.     Comments from Councillor Keith Egli
  4. 4.     Comments from Community Police Officer – Sue Wright
  5. 5.     Opening comments on the state of the Manordale-Woodvale Community Association – Myles Egli
  6. 6.     Election of Officers
    1. a.     Request for additional nominations
    2. b.     List of names of candidates for the 2014/2015 MWCA Elected Executive
  7. 7.     Approval of the 2013 Minutes
  8. 8.     Volunteer Award
  9. 9.     Financial Report – Mark Beauchamp – Treasurer
  10. 10.  Committee Reports
    1. a.     Facilities – Ray Martinuk
    2. b.     Events:

n     Winter Carnival – Dave Hay

n     Clean Up Day – Brittany Seguin

n     Community Day – Mark Beauchamp

n     Garage Sale – Ray Martinuk

n     Baseball – Myles Egli

n     Corn Roast – Carol Miller

n     Euchre – Jane Benco

n     Rink Report – Carol Miller

n     Facebook/Website – Myles Egli

n     Kitchen Renovations – Carol Miller

n     NROCRC – Carol Miller & Rose Marie Garces

  1. 11.  2014/2015 MWCA Plans
  2. 12.  New Business
  3. 13.  Adjournment






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